$30.00 per month helps to support school age children in the Kisii region of Kenya. Your financial help provides, school fees, food, clothing and other basic needs. These children are under the watch care of the local churches of the Gucha Baptist Association who are partnering with Clear Creek Baptist Church to bring hope and encouragement through your donation. If you are interested in helping one ore more of these children, or would like to help with the additional support needs listed below, please find information listed at the bottom of this page.
Transportation and food costs for Pastor Training
Many pastors and students will be attending ongoing training sessions provided by the Baptist Convention of Kenya. Students will be required to have lodging and food during these training sessions. Any support you can provide will help with transportation and food expenses.
Used Motorcycle for Pastors Transportation
The Gucha Baptist Association is in need of a motorcycle in order to help the pastors visit, counsel, train, attend meetings, and serve the members of their association. The approximate cost for a used Honda motorcycle they could purchase is $1200.00
If you are interested in sponsoring a child or making a donation to help our friends in Kenya please call, write, or email us through the information below. Please reference the ministry need in your request. All donations are made directly to Clear Creek Baptist Church and are tax deductible. Donations are sent to Kenya on a quarterly basis and are overseen by the Gucha Baptist Association Orphan Support Team and the association of churches. All receipts for school fees, food, and other expenses donated are verified through Clear Creek Baptist Church.